"As educators, you simply cannot remain uninformed and silent about the social and economic context of your work." (--Richard Rothstein)
If you have been concerned about the current state of public education and the larger education movements, we encourage you to spend some time reading and viewing these informational posts.
Warning bells have been ringing. It is time to get informed. It is imperative that we shed light on the current state of education reform, now.
report, however, also provides clear evidence that the the nation is splitting
into two; only 47% of Americans have a full-time job and those who don't are
finding it increasingly out of reach.”
If you are in the “middle” of your life, you probably know
plenty of hard-working friends that in this past month have lost their
jobs.It's the end of the
corporate quarter.It’s
reorganization time.Out with the
old, in with the new and the less expensive.
And, the mantra
has been that schools should be run like businesses.However, in education, reorganization is called “reform.”
Reorganize... Reform, right?!Good for the nation! Good for the future! Cut
expenses, make money and it will all trickle down and water the trees.Growth.
You have seen the growth:
tax loopholes (for large corporations, not average citizens) squeezing budgets
into deficit.
markets and budding privatization schemes
that transform public community resources into for-profit entities – all the
while devouring taxpayer funds.
families as “human capital” and updating
cheaper labor tactics.
middle and lower class debt through pay-cuts and underemployment.
Prune more for growth and a better future…
we really understand the kind of gale force winds that are stirring? The kind of growth in wealth that is our country?A Harvard business professor and economist, asked that very question.You may find the answer
and the reality a bit shocking:
In cash-strapped economic times, it is comforting to know that
CEOs are shamelessly making 273 times the wages of the average worker yet blaming “greedy” teachers. Even the New York Times Executive Pay Report details a 16% growth for CEOs these difficult economic times.
Can we question why we have difficult economic times? Why are these times so much more uncertain? Here's a quick journey back in time to CEO vs. average worker salary ratios:
CEO to Average Worker
1965: 20.1-to-1
1978: 29.0-to-1
1995: 122.6-to-1
2000: 383.4-to-1
2012: 272.9-to-1, far higher than it was in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s.
"From 1978 to 2012, CEO compensation measured with
options realized increased about 875 percent, a rise more than double
stock market growth and substantially greater than the painfully slow 5.4
percent growth in a typical worker’s compensation over the same period."