Is there evidence that a focus on non-fiction reading and writing will better prepare students for college-level work? Sandra Stotsky of the University of Arkansas and Common Core Validation Committee states:
The proclamations of the standards entrepreneur, David Coleman (Leading Architect of CCSS - and now, President of the College Board ... and, oh yeah, Treasurer of Michelle Rhee's Students First):
“[A]s you grow up in this world you realize people really don’t give a shit about what you feel or what you think.” Thus, Common Core Standards architect David Coleman delivered [1] the core pedagogy of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to educators gathered at the New York State Department of Education in April 2011."
...because, audience member can surely recognize that Coleman has quite a stellar vocabulary and most impressive speaking skills:
by David Coleman EXCERPTS . . .I think PARCC is doing some beautiful work. . . to design assessments that seriously recognize two ideas: One is that assessment is an extremely powerful signal for instruction but you gotta own it. Cut the shit when you like "ooh we wrote this test and all these people are doing test preparation. They shouldn't be doing test prep; they should look at the standards."
I mean is it a perfect life? Fuck you. NO! I hate that disingenuousness. If you put something on an assessment in my view you are ethically obligated to take responsibility that kids will practice it 100 times. . . .
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